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The Expert Packer for The Exposition

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Showpig News

Packing for long trips and pig shows can be stressful, but making a detailed packing list can provide some ease. Before opening up your suitcase to pack, you might consider opening up your notes app and creating a packing list of things you possibly need for The Exposition. To successfully conquer Expo – and the HEAT – follow along for an itemized list of what you don’t want to forget.


What to Wear

Beating the heat and humidity can be a challenge, so you will want to be prepared with shorts, t-shirts, tennis shoes, a raincoat, show clothes and a change of clothes for after your exhibitor shows. A belt bag and backpack will also come in handy for the long days in the barns. Since Iowa weather can be unpredictable, throw in a sweatshirt or light jacket in your backpack for the whole family, just in case! If you want to pack lighter, bring detergent because we all know you can’t re-wear barn clothes after facing the humidity. And of course, don’t forget a dirty clothes bag.


What to Bring in a Backpack

Everyday items that you might want to include in your backpack for Expo are sunscreen, bug spray or a bug-repellent bracelet (a necessity), a cap, a raincoat and a water bottle. Liquid IV or some other kind of electrolyte drink mix are also a great idea for when the sun and humidity take a toll on your body and energy level. Depending on the day, you might even consider packing an extra pair of shorts and a t-shirt.


What to Take to the Barn

Bringing plenty of fans and maybe even a small Portacool is essential to help you enjoy Expo. Packing two coolers is a safe bet; one for drinks and one for sandwiches and snacks. Or, if you are feeling the heat, one to stick your head in when it gets too hot!

To keep the younger exhibitors entertained on the days with more down time, bring their scooters, jump ropes, chalk, footballs and more.

“When we aren’t working in the barn, my favorite thing to do at expo is ride my scooter around the RVs and draw with chalk with my friends,” Lily Cooper, a past exhibitor, said.

Lily Cooper trying to cool off at Expo in a previous year.

Load Up

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in Des Moine, Iowa, so get packed and zip up your suitcase.

Copy and paste the list below in your notes to check off as you pack for Expo. For more tips and tricks on how to conquer The Exposition, follow on Instagram and Facebook.


Packing Check-off List:

  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Show clothes and change of clothes
  • Shorts / t-shirts
  • Tennis shoes
  • Caps
  • Backpack
  • Water bottle
  • Belt bag
  • Rain coat
  • Dirty clothes bag
  • Detergent
  • Coolers
  • Sandwich items
  • Drinks
  • Liquid IVs
  • Snack tub
  • Scooters, chalk, football, ect.
  • Fans / Portacool