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46 days until fair and show pig only weighs 101lbs PLEASE HELP!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:47 pm
by showpigsister23
We have a Hampshire barrow and we have about 46 days until fair. The hog only weighs 101lbs he has only been gaining 11 pounds per week. I have tried a number of things to try and get him gaining more but nothing has worked. For the past 2 weeks i have been feeding 16% showtec mixed with sunglo's Sumo and topping it with double dip. He is still only gaining the 11 pounds a week. I am not sure what else i should try so please help!!!

Re: 46 days until fair and show pig only weighs 101lbs PLEASE HELP!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:30 am
by HogDoc
11 lbs a week is about what a 100 lb pig is supposed to gain.

Unfortunately it looks like you got a pig that is too young for your target show.