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How to make money off of boars?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 6:25 pm
by ryanvaughan62
I am thinking about purchasing a super nice boar and was wondering if there is a way to make some money off of him. I know that collecting semen is very popular, but how do I sell/market it? Any advice would help!

Re: How to make money off of boars?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:29 pm
by pigboy07
Obviously you want to get a really good video of him, price him in a range that makes people want to purchase because of the quality he looks like. If not then you best have quite a few sows and patience because until his 1st off spring hit you'll be one of the few using him. If you're in a market where there's quite a few breeders hitting that $50 a dose is one that attracts the local breeders. Facebook is another way to market him, since you're purchasing you'd want one that was genetically proven and done well at whatever competition he was at. Also hope you know what you're doing in the collection department because go selling poor semen quality will end that quick fast and in a hurry.