(530) 966-2425
Pete Gomez currently resides in Hickman, California, where he runs Gomez Showpigs with his wife. They currently have a handful of crossbred sows and a few boars that he runs with his good friend, Lamle. He works in the office at Haley Underground, Inc, a underground construction company, as well as the herdsmen at his family farm, where he has been able to put together a young but promising sow base that consists of 40 purebred Berkshires and Crossbred sows. As of right now, his favorite ongoing project has been organizing the annual and wildly successful California Elite live pig sale. Together, with some of my most valued mentors, Pete has advocated for the California pig breeders and encouraged statewide growth. With a combination of both the California Elite and helping families find backdrops, this industry consumes every aspect of his life. Pete takes pride in his industry experience and nonstop drive to help others succeed. He is very excited to be a part of this team and can’t wait to see what the future holds! In his free time, if he ever gets any, Pete enjoys watching 49er Football and spending time with family and friends!